Thursday, November 15, 2012

Graphic Design and all that

For the past three years I've been spending much of my time at Unitec, studying for a degree in graphic design and animation.
It's nearly coming to an end, in fact I have six days to go until my final hand in on 22 November, followed by the party night on 29 November when the grad show will show our work in all its glory.
Anyone is welcome to come and look at my work, and all the other student work on show that night, both in my department at Unitec, and the other parts of the design school - painting, interior design, architecture, photography and all that. It's quite a night and well worth getting along to. I've been to many in the ten years that Neil has worked at Unitec and it's amazing that this time my own work will be there.

If you're interested in reading about what I've been doing (and others in my class) you can go to our class blog at There are a number of aspects you can look at: On the front page you will find each class member and you can see the text and illustrations from a conference presentation we gave earlier in the year about what we have been working on and the research behind it. In more depth you will see several sections on the left hand side which groups us into the types of projects we have been involved in - I'm in Hybrid Media, which mixes up a bit of everything. Find my name there and it will take you to the main piece of writing about my research and making this year.

Still to come is a downloadable pdf of my portfolio which will be up by 29th, and also some external projects I've worked on this year that were graphic design related.

It's been an incredible three years, the most intense of which has been the last few weeks and we strive to produce the best results we can. None of it would be achieved without the fantastic tutors and technicians who help us make it all happen and I can't thank them enough for what they've helped me achieve; more than I ever imagined was possible.

Here's a glimpse of my new book:

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